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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Romance scam email stolen photo from Miran Brown Patel

The site where the photo was stolen from didn't come up in Google Image search results, however the name/photo combination pulled up a number of Facebook pages by this name with different photos, none from Libya or Senegal, and all but 1 were women.

Originating IP:
Originating ISP: Sonatel Societe Nationale Des Telecommunications D
City: Dakar
Country of Origin: Senegal

from: Miran Brown patel <> 
date: Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 2:55 PM

My name is Miss MIRAN brown PATEL,from TRIPOLI LIBYA, 5.7ft tall, fair in complexion,(never married before), 24 years of age and currently  residing in Dakar Senegal as a result of the civil war that was fought in my country. As friends,   we are in a position of knowing each other and  sharing experiences.

I only need a true love, and about My late father Dr. brown PATEL was Chairman/CEO of  Nonican Petroleum and Gas  Ltd, a leading oil and gas company in TRIPOLI before the rebels attacked our house one early morning,killed my mother and my father in cold blood. I was the only one survived because i was living in school hostel when the incident took place. Honestly is very painful to tell this story, And after the massacre i managed to escaped to  Senegal with the help of the United Nation Peace Keeping Force.

I sent you my friendship request to enable us know ourselves and if  you can assure me that  you can be trusted,  i will like to know more about you, I attach  my picture for you, although it was taken before my coming to Senegal for you to know who I am, while waiting for your positive reply.
Thanks and do have a wonderful day .

Your new friend, MIRAN

attachment; filename="MMM.JPG"

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