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Friday, July 17, 2015

419 scam email from Barrister Edward Akwa +234-8108368398

from:    Barrister Edward Akwa <>
date:    Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 4:19 AM
subject:    Your Response Acknowledged... Need Urgent Response from You.

I am the legal representative / adviser to the deceased Mr Peterson John Kelly, I have the copy of his WILL, so all I will do is to put your name on the copy of the WILL as the NEXT OF KIN to him. All through his stay in West Africa, I mean over 25 years of stay, he has not introduced any one as either his wife, his child / children, his retatives, so it is so simple and easy for us. Even since he died 2012, no one has ever come or ask about him or to put up a claim to his Estate / funds, In fact the bank Directors are waiting because they know me as his Legal Adviser, If I don,t present any one as the NEXT Of KIN, they will confiscate the funds for their personal use.

This is the more reason why I need a God fearing person like you who will neither cheat, deceive or deny me at the end when the funds has entered into his or her account. I have been praying to God Almighty to give me a God fearing person to partner with me in this deal. For us to make it a successful business deal between two of us, we must keep it as secret not to let any one know about it because if you allow any one to know about it, such person out of envy and jealousy will expose it to the public, so it must be secret between only you and me.

All I need is your contact / residential address, your full names, age and occupation, company name if you have any and copy of your ID such as your international passport, drivers license or company ID, this will be used to obtain all the legal documents / certificates in your names. Mean while, I attach the death certificate and my ID to confirm the reality of what I am telling you. So kindly get back to me with the requested information to enable us commence proper. Thanks for your understanding while I await your urgent response.

I am at your service.


Barr. Edward Akwa Esq.
Barrister & Solicitor

attachment; filename="death cert.jpg"

attachment; filename="MY ID.jpg"

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