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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

419 scam email with Stolen Photo from The Dying Widow Susan Iwanski

from:    Susan Iwanski <>
date:    Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 4:00 PM
subject:    Re: Greetings in the name of God.

Thanks for your response to my mail , may God bless you and grant you all your heart desires Amen.i do understand that my message came as a surprise to you and i am happy to have someone like you to handle this for me and my late husband sake .... I want you to help me utilize the funds to the glory of God to assist the needy / less privileged and orphans just like you are doing already and i know He will bless you abundantly for been a live changer to the less privilege and others in need I know meeting you is not by coincidence but it has been ordained by God.  i believe with the fund in your care, I will be relaxed knowing that it is in safe a hands and been used for its actual purpose.

There are so many Motherless home around the world but i want to spreed this money to some many motherless home which I believe you can do that for me that is why I am Contacting you to do that for me, all i need to who to make the wish or me and my husband come true. Let me explain to you further before the death of my husband he was a contractor who was awarded a contract in United Kingdom before he died in an auto accident. Before his death he wrote to me here in the hospital in London that since we have no child and i am surfing from cancer also am deaf and dumb which makes me cry all day,that i should make sure the money he has with the bank in UK must be used for work of God and charity use, i wish i could talk or hear i would love to hear your voice. I pray that as you help you handle this transaction for me God will protect you and your entire family, so i will need to know more information about you like







Please beloved always put me in your prayers, as I will be having an operation next Friday so try and pray for me to survive it. As soon as you contact the bank, let to Me know.May the peace of the by God be with you and All members of your family "Amen. the I hope to read from you the ASAP. Pls the try though you e-mail the id to contact back so that i can forward you the bank at contact with the detail. God bless you.


Mrs.Susan Iwanski

attachment; filename="Susan Iwanski.JPG"

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