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Thursday, September 10, 2015

419 scam email from Keneth Thomas

from:    KENETH THOMAS <>
date:    Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 5:40 PM
subject:    Re: INVESTMENT

I am contacting you with regards  to an Investment of Twenty Million Dollars (US$ 20,000,000.00) in your country, as I am presently interested in investing it but have never done business in your country before. I find it imperative to solicit for a partnership.

Hence upon receipt of this letter, I implore you to kindly respond and let me know how possible it is to work with you in mutual partnership under the conditions stated below.

1. My funds will be secured as I am wiling to invest immediately .

2, I will pay you a good commission of the investment for logistics and protocols.

3, I desire absolute confidentiality in the handling and management of this brief

I must draw your attention to the fact that I have kept the information's herein this letter very brief as I do not know if you will receive this or what your response will be, If you do have the interest and the capability to partner with me under the above stated condition, I will appreciate your response sent back to me by email.

Therefore you will be required to come to Belgium for a meeting.

I will appreciate that you include a brief profile of your self and your company for me to better appreciate your personality. I look forward to your response and our partnership.

Have a nice day. 

Sincerely Yours

Keneth Thomas

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