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Monday, December 14, 2015

Victim Compensation scam email from Mr. Charles Howard African Union (AU) Anti-Fraud Team Safety & Security Minister

Originating IP:
Originating ISP: Spacetel Benin
City: Cotonou
Country of Origin: Benin

from: from the African Union (AU) Anti-fraud team <> 
reply-to: "from the African Union (AU) Anti-fraud team" <>
date: Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 10:40 AM
subject: Attention:,

Message From Anti Fraud Team, Reply to receive your fund.


This is from the African Union (AU) Anti-fraud team in collaboration With the United Nations (UN) in regards to the extensive raid (arrests) on Internet scammers. Due to the high rate of complain we have been receiving from United Nations (UN) on the level of Scam artists/fraudsters with African/European nationality. All the Internet Service Providers had noticed the increased email traffic originating from African and European to other continents.

In this raid, three hundred and six (306) scammers were arrested so far and the raid is still on. We have recovered the total sum of US$1.2 Billion from them from both cash and assets confirmed to have come from their victims. As we have found hundreds of thousands of email addresses of victims from their address books. It is at this juncture that we are contacting you.

The African Union (AU) with the United Nation (UN) is making refunds of 2,500,000USD. each to victims among whom his/her email address was listed on the scammer's address books Confirm through our email address here, if you are the true possessor of this email, and provide us with the following information for your Compensation and refund to redeem the image of African.

You’re Names:
Any your id card
Tel number:
Email address: (re-confirm)

Upon receipt of your reply and confirmation of the information, your Compensation and
Refund funds will be transfer direct to your account. Please you can also write us a small letter how you was scammed.

Mr. Charles Howard.
(Safety & Security Minister.

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