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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

419 scam email from Mr. Jacob Jack Lew Secretary of the Treasury World Foreign Assets Control

Originating IP:
Originating ISP: Primus Telecommunications
City: Thomastown
Country of Origin: Australia

date: Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 10:25 AM

U.S. Department of the Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue,NW
Washington,DC 20220

Hello Dear,
This is to bring to your notice that the US Department of the Treasury in affiliation with the Office of World Foreign Assets Control ("WOFAC") has been authorized in their Sanction Programs to compensate 10,000 scam victims or those who have being victims of internet scam and lost of money on unsuccessful local and foreign contracts and transactions. The US Department of the Treasury in collaboration with the Office of World Foreign Assets Control ("WOFAC") has decided to pay you $10,500,000.00 USD (Ten Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) each in order to restore the global economy to the enviable standard of respectability.

Your particulars was obtained from one of the syndicates who was arrested as one of the victims of their operations.You are hereby warned not to communicate or duplicate this message to him or her for any reason whatsoever as the US SECRET SERVICE is already on trace of the other criminals and embezlers of people's hard earned funds. These information should remain confidential till they are all apprehended; other victims who have not been contacted can submit their application as well for scrutiny and possibly listed for compensation at last.

You will be contacting Mr.David Johnson, directly at his Email
or by replying to this email for the deliver of your $10,500,000.00 USD compensation funds. He is a Diplomatic a gent for delivery of your Package to your home address and Your advised to provide him with the under listed information for verification:

1) Full Names.............
2) Home Address.........
3) Nationality:..............
4) Age......................
5) Sex.....................
6) Occupation...........
7) Cell Phone Number......
8) ID photo..................

Best Regards,
Mr.Jacob Jack Lew
Secretary of the Treasury.
World Foreign Assets Control (WOFAC)
Washington, DC

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