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Sunday, February 8, 2015

Stolen photo from widow with dying daughter Mrs. Fatu Kabri

Photo stolen from news articles online:

from:    Mrs Fatu Kabri <>
date:    Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 11:37 AM
subject:    Re: PLEASE TRY AND HELP US.

my daughter is in the hospital she had an accident yesterday and she need medical attention the doctor is asking for 200,000 CFA for blood and I don’t have that kind of money now and I don’t know where to run to it only GOD and you I have now please try and do something.  I am just coming back from the hospital now my daughter condition is very critical I was chance to take this photo that I am sending to you now they refuse me taking phone in the emergency world.

attachment; filename="ACCIDENT KADY.jpg"

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