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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

419 scam email from Mr. Jerome Sam Orlando Florida International Airport Mr. Terry Douglas

Originating IP:
Originating ISP: Opt Benin / Benin Telecom
City: n/a
Country of Origin: Benin

from:    MR TERRY DOUGLAS <>
reply-to:    MR TERRY DOUGLAS <>
date:    Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 9:32 AM
subject:    From Orlando Florida International Airport

From  Orlando Florida International Airport
Pls, Read this massage very well and understand the
reason why your consignment box did not delivered to you yet.
diplomatic agent Mr. Terry Douglas,was stopped here in  Orlando Florida International Airport  with consignment contains $5.8000.00Usd Mr. Terry Douglas informed us that the consignment is from DHL delivery company Benin and we ask him for insurance certificate and international delivery permit which he stated that he is not with the certificate.
  Orlando Florida   with consignment contains $5.8000.00Usd Mr. Terry Douglas informed us that the consignment is from DHL delivery company Benin and we ask him for insurance certificate and international delivery permit which he stated that he is not with the certificate.
Then we decided to hold him until the insurance certificate and international delivery permit is obtained. Today 7/5/2015 we find out that the same amount is send through  DHL delivery company
We contact DHL Company Benin to verify the score of this consignment . After their investigation we were made to understand that the $7.8000.00Usd is your compensation unit inheritance fund from Benin DHL. For more information type ( put code (397242782) and click tracking and confirm that your consignment is here in  Orlando Florida International Airport
All we require from you before the consignment will be delivered to you is insurance certificate which will cost you only $150.00USD for the insurance certificate and international delivery permit, this is all we need from you. I will assist you with the best I can and make sure shipment commence once the charges of the certificate is paid. Be informed that we made arrangement with F.B.I and border protection that your consignment will be delivered without any stoppages.
The fee required is to enable the DHL delivery company Benin secure the insurance clearance certificate and international delivering permit, I want you to try your best and send the $150.00usd with the payment details listed below and once this is done the diplomatic agent will complete your delivering within the next 1hour or 2hours, and we have  contacted the DHL delivery company Benin to enquire about the process of getting the Certificate.
We were informed that the beneficiary of the package will pay for the Certificate , You have to pay this fee directly to them via Western Union Money Transfer or money gram , use the information below to send the $150.00usd via western union and once payment is made forward it to  company address (

for them to get the needed certificate to enable their diplomatic agent complete the delivering.
Payment Information.
Recievers Name:::::::::::::::::: EMMANUEL UBA
Country::::::::::::::::::: Cotonou Benin Republic .
City::::::::::::::::::::::: Cotonou
Text Question::::::::::::::::::::now
Text Answer::::::::::::::::::::now
Amount To Be Paid::::::::::::::::::::: $150 Dollars
Sender's Name:::::::::::::::::::::::

Once payment is made get back to me with the confirmation
details listed below. Sender name
Confirmation mtcn number
Text question and answer used
Sender address used.
Note: I want you to try your best and send the charge fee once you receive this email because i want everything to be done fast and I assure you that this is the only fee required so you have nothing to worry about.

Await your reply and the payment confirmation.
Have a wonderful day.
Yours Faithfully,
Mr. Jerome Sam.

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