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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

419 scam email from Dr. Janet L. Yellen Federal Reserve Bank Chairman

Originating IP:
Originating ISP: Quickpacket Atlanta, Llc
City: Atlanta
Country of Origin: United States

from: JANET YELLEN <> 
date: Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 4:54 AM
subject: This Message Is From The Office Of Janet Yellen USA Federal Reserve Bank Chairman

From The Office Of Janet Yellen,
USA Federal Reserve Bank Chairman,
Alabama Branch Office.
524 Liberty Parkway
Birmingham, Alabama USA

Good Day Dear Beneficiary.

This is to bring to your notice about the new compensation payment
development here in Federal Reserve Bank United State to all Beneficiaries
that were unable to receive their funds in Africa due to numerous scam
activities in Africa, that all the beneficiaries compensation funds has
been moved down here in Federal Reserve Bank United State of America to
make it all available for all of you to receive your compensation funds.

This is to inform you that you have been compensated with the sum of
US$850,000.00 [Eight Hundred and Fifty Thousand United States Dollars] and
the funds has been totally lodged in one particular Escrow account
(non-deductible reserve account) here in Federal Reserve Bank USA in your
names, while waiting for accreditation to your personal/private bank
account or install into an ATM  Master Card or Bank Draft/Check and send
to your address you chose to receive your fund in any part of the world.

Now, all modalities regarding your fund transfer/delivery has been put in
place here in the Reserve Bank of America, thus, your funds has been made
ready for transfer in our sophisticated macro transfer system, what we
need from you now is to Provide to us your delivery information where you
want us to delivery your ATM Card, Bank Draft/Check if you want your fund
to come inform of ATM Card or Bank Draft/Check or you provide the bank
account of your choice which you want us to transfer your funds if you
want bank transfer so we can expedite action for the accreditation of your
funds into your account immediately.

Below are the information needed for delivery.

Your full Name….
And full current address……
Cell/Phone Number……
Age and copy of your Valid ID/Drivers license.

Below are the information needed for now for your transfer or delivery.

Bank Name:
Bank Address:
Account Name
Account Number:
Copy of your identification:
Your full delivery address:
Cell/Phone Number:

Note: Our ATM Master Card will permit you for a daily withdrawal limit of
US$6000 or

In anticipating for your urgent cooperation.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Janet L. Yellen
The Current Chairman
Federal Reserve Bank USA

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