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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

419 scam email from Mr. William James Foreign Operation Manager +229-98711549

Originating IP:
Originating ISP: Isocel
City: Cotonou
Country of Origin: Benin

from: Mr William James <> 
date: Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 6:37 AM


I know it is because of your past expenses that make you not to believe me but
I told you before that I cannot deceive you because my bible says what shall it
profit a man to gain material things and loose your soul, any way their is good
news now, i raised some money to help you out and make sure that your payment
will be release to you the same day you send the $99.00 as well. I borrowed
money yesterday after service from my Pastor, then you have to send the remain
balance now only $99.00 but i don't see the reason why you have keep silent on
me not to respond back, honestly I am just disappointed at your behaviors
before because you know that I cannot deceive you, Just pay the $99.00 and
leave rest for me watching me if I am telling you lies or not.

Your payments is already approval today for you to receive it but the
management here says that you must pay $99.00 for the Stamp and activation
charge before you can receive the payment today, please send the charge through
western union immediately, i have assured you a time without number that this
is genuine and legitimate. I swear If I fail to release your payment after you
send the $99.00 as I promise don't count on me again, I cannot fail you, I
promise you, don’t fear as soon as you send the $99.00 today please leave the
rest to me and see if I am lie to you because I can not use my life swear
because of $99.00, how can I swear against my life because of this small
amount? it is to show you that I am telling you the truth.

You have an assurance of receiving your payment once this is settled and
whatever that arises next shall be taking care of by this our head office, but
i swear nothing is going to come up again after this and i will make sure you
start receiving your funds immediately or i will write a petition against our
headquarter office and they will have whatever you have spent on your funds
sent it back to you first thing tomorrow. Just try and understand because i do
not want you to loose your funds that you have spent so much on now you have
only one step to receiving your funds. Do not allow the devil to turn your mind
against this because by the time you realize you have a mistake, it might be
too late to recover.

I will guarantee you 100% sure that you will not pay any more money after you
send this fee because you will pick up your first payment within 45minutes
after receiving the last fee from you and I will bear the cost of the fee if it
is any other fee but I believer that no any fee we will ask you to pay again I
am makes sure that I must put smile on your face in next 45 minutes I am
waiting for your payment because this transaction has taken so long and I don't
want you to lose this fund at the end This are your funds which is already in
our system to transfer to you and it will be release to you as soon as you pay
the (A.R.O) Authorization Release Order fees of $99.00 USD.

Please do not send any more money again now for you to know that we are 100%
sure that this fee is only money you will send in this office here is your
western union information you will use to pick up your first payment is out
already now and your total amount is $1.5Million the each payment you will
receive per day is $4,500 everyday.


Receiver Name :::::::: HENRY EZE
Country :::::::: Benin Republic
City :::::::: Porto_novo
Question :::::::: When
Answer :::::::: Today

Amount :::::::: $99.00
Money Transfer Control Number :::::::: (M.T.C.N)
Sender's name ::::::::
Sender's Direct Telephone::::::::::

I promise you as soon as we hear from you with the payment of $99.00  Today we
shall send your pick up information the same day you send the
$99.00 I swear.

Yours Sincerely

Mr William James
Foreign Operation Manager
Telephone 00229 98711549

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