***PLEASE NOTE: This IS NOT the real Harold Diamond - this scammer has STOLEN Mr. Diamond's identity for this scam. You SHOULD NOT associate that the real Harold Diamond is in any way involved in this scam!!
The REAL Harold Diamond can be found on Google, as well as the other scams using his name: https://www.google.com/search?q=harold+diamond+lottery+winner&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8
Originating IP:
Originating ISP: Global Crossing Argentina S.a.
City: Buenos Aires
Country of Origin: Argentina
from: Nicolas Martinez Allende <nmartinez@nidera.com.ar>
date: Thu, May 21, 2015 at 2:42 AM
mailed-by: nidera.com.ar
You have been awarded with $7 Million as donation by Harold Diamond, this is not Scam as everybody In US knows about my Lottery winning send me your name to claim $7 Million and to get more details and to prove myself contact me back with this E-mail: harold_diamond@163.com
Send your Name and Country to this E-mail harold_diamond@163.com
And get $7 Million as donation.
Best Regard
Harold Diamond.
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