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Friday, July 17, 2015

419 scam email from First Caribbean Bank CEO Mr. Charles 845-345-2014 646-798-8517 646-666-4412

from:    Charles Weller <>
date:    Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 7:20 PM
subject:    Re: THANK YOU

Dear sir,

I just want you to know that i found you from your country business
directory when i make a request from your country directory so after
going through your profile i

decided to contact with you and make this business offer, yes as i
explain in my first email communique with you i explain to you that i
am the CEO of the Bank (CIBC

FIRST CARIBBEAN BANK CAYMAN ISLAND)The funds in questions have being
deposited into this bank for the duration of 5  years on behalf of the
owner of the funds Late

PILOT ERIC GUILLOUD, if you Google the name of Swiss PILOT ERIC
GUILLOUD, you will see the story how the depositor of the funds died
and as matter of fact there is

nobody PILOT ERIC GUILLOUD present as next of kin of the funds
totally($500,000,000.00) five hundred million united states dollars,
so after going through your profile

i decided to contact with you so that you will work with me as patinar
of the funds so that we will both execute this risk free transaction
together as one partner.

I am ready to share the funds with you for working together with me i
will offer you 30% of the funds and me and my collegue will share 70%
of the funds, i am

attaching the copy of certificate of deposit which the depositor late
PILOT ERIC GUILLOUD use to deposit the fund when he deposited the
funds into the escrow account

CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT for your perusal so that you will see exactly
the time and the date the funds

was deposited into the bank and off course that will proof to you that
this deal is 100% legitimate.

what i really want you to do is for you to stand as the beneficiary of
the funds which i will ask my legal team to prepare back up documents
like a power of attorney

which late PILOT ERIC GUILLOUD will provide to you as the chosen next
of kin for him when he is no more and with this power of attorney the
funds have already being

legally transfers to your name without any doubt.

Then secondly there is some important documents that i will prepare to
back up your claim of this ($500,000,000.00)  five hundred million
united states dollars only, i

want you to relax your mind because i am the CEO of the Bank and you
will not have any problem at all because we brought
the deal to you and we are the same people that verify and certified
the payments and there is no risk involved in your participating in
working with me to achieve

this great goal because i am a professional banker and a financial
managements for so many years and i will protect you and your company
interest till the end of the

transactions.Together we are in this deal and together we will execute
and finalize this transaction.

so all you need to provide to me is copy of your international
passport or drivers license and two passport photo graph and then i
will contact my legal team to

prepare all the back up documents in your favor and then we will
proceed and finalize this transactions. first of all we are going to
transfer all the

($500,000,000.00) five hundred million united states dollars into your
bank account in your country, then we will send you our Hong Kong
account so that after you

successfully receive the ($500,000,000.00) five hundred million united
states dollars then you will send our own share of 70% into our
provided bank account which we are going to forward to you, this
transaction is only going to take us 7 working days to finish from the
day you provide your id and

address and your direct phone and fax numbers for easy and quick
communications with each other, please kindly contact with me on this
phone numbers as follows: + 1

845 345 2014 and +1 646 798 8517 and my Fax Line is: +1 646 666 4412.

I will anticipate your urgent response and full compliance with this
important transactions, see attach copy of certificate of deposit of
the funds which late PILOT

ERIC GUILLOUD use to deposit the funds before he died.

Mr. Charles

attachment; filename="NEXT OF KIN.JPG"

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