Originating IP:
Originating ISP: Opt Benin / Benin Telecom
City: Cotonou
Country of Origin: Benin
from: Hon Maria Galvan <jeanwilli@cantv.net>
reply-to: dhlexepress@163.com
to: millway@spray.se
date: Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 5:39 AM
subject: YOUR ATM CARD
mailed-by: cantv.net
Attention: Please!!!
I have registered your ATM CARD of (US $3.7) with DHL Express courier Company customer service with registration code of (9665776) please Contact with your delivery information:
Mr, Jerry William.E-mail:(dhlexepress@163.com )
Please indicates the registration Number of (9665776) Furnish them with your Address and Phone number for your delivery.only money you have to pay is their security keeping fee and is Mandatory before you will receive your Atm card
Best Regards
Hon Maria Galvan
Yup! I'm getting those in my inbox too, saying I will get 5,000 a day. Yea right