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Saturday, July 18, 2015

Employment scam email from Mr. Jeremy Mcgrew Program Director Calko Canada Inc. MONEY MULE SCAM!

from: Calko Canada Inc. <> 
date: Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 7:23 PM
subject: Re: Positions are available now

Calko (Canada) Inc.
7250 Rue Marconi
H3G 1G3


Calko (Canada) Inc. is a legitimate company operating in the Canada and due to our expansion program and proper balance of accounts we have decided to employ a representative that would be closer to where our major clients are located. This job is safe and legal.

We are experts in the sales of Textile materials for world trade as well as import/export of various commodities into America/Canada/Europe, as part of our ongoing expansion project, we are in search of competent and efficient proxies, who can help us establish a medium of getting to our customers in America,with primary duties to include receipt of funds from our clients. Sequel to your acceptance of this offer you will be entitling to 10% of every payment made through you to our company and 90% will be remitted to the company. You will stand in good stead, when the opportunity for securing a top management position arises, as we intend to put in place structures, in terms of human resources and physical facilities in your location depending on our rate of turnover.


International money transfer tax for companies in the US is 25%, whereas for an individual it is only 7%,selling goods online is not
entirely safe and processing companies charge us high percentages for all online transactions. We are paying 7-10% to processing companies and 1-3% to banks for transferring funds to us, also the same banks processing for us hold our customers funds for 15-17 days before they are made available to us.


Your task is to only co-ordinate payments from customers and helps us with the payment process. You will not be involved in any sales as our sales managers are in charge of that aspect for the company. This job takes only 3-7 hours per week. You'll have a lot of free time doing your permanent job; you also secure good income in the process. If you are interested please send us the following information:

{1}Full Names........................
{3}Marital Status.....................
{5}Company If Any.....................
{7}Full Contact Address...............
{8}Home/Cell No.......................
{9}Fax No.............................

Mr. Jeremy Mcgrew
Program Director

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