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Friday, March 11, 2016

419 scam email from Barrister Roland Mark +228-96558959

Originating IP:
Originating ISP: Togotelecom, Togo
City: Lomé
Country of Origin: Togo

from: Roland Mark <> 
date: Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 3:54 AM
subject: Details

Dear ,

Thanks for your prompt response towards my proposal. First of all, I want to assure you that what I have brought before you is as clear as a daylight which will never endanger your position in any way. Regarding my present position in my country as a legal practitioner and luminary, as such,there is no way I can indulge in any illegitimate activities that will bring a hold instrument to my profession or tarnish my image in the society. I contacted you into this matter due to your surname or common name similarity with my late client. As the personal attorney to late Engr.Paulo, it is my responsibility to retrieve his assets and clear his name since his wife and only female child who are statutorily his next of kin died alongside of him in the ghastly automobile accident.

I am Barrister.Roland Mark, a legal practitioner and principal attorney working in all areas of the family court jurisdiction. I am married with two kids, a boy and a girl and the name of my Wife is Mrs.Ester Mark, I am living here in my country called Togo Republic and also my late client was living here with his family before they died together in a car accident. I have been the personal attorney to Late Engr.Paulo,for a period of five years before he met his untimely death with all members of his family. Ever since then, I have done everything possible to trace his relatives without any luck. Most of his properties were vandalized by hoodlums and some overgrown by weeds as there is no one to look after them.

You may or may not be directly related to Late Engr.Paulo,but understand that I really made a thorough inquiry and was convinced that he had no known living relatives as he came to Togo some time in 1978 as an orphan, so I want you to understand that there is no atom of risk involved in this transaction because it is I as his personal attorney that has been mandated to provide his next of kin (relation), therefore whosoever I present to the bank will be accepted and will be approved as his legitimate next of kin. I have searched long for his relatives, hence he didn't include anybody as his next of kin, to his estates both in the bank and other places. The management had planned to invoke their abandoned property decree of 1996 to confiscate the funds after the expiration of the period given to me, you can imagine that? I was my late client's personal attorney, so I was privileged to his transaction with the bank. I will establish you with my veto power as the supposed next of kin since this have to be certified by my office.

I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin to Late Engr.Paulo ,so that the funds will be transferred into your designate bank account in your country for our onward sharing and for our mutual benefit, and for your assistance towards the completion of this transaction, I suggest we share the money 50/50 hence we both will join hands together towards the successful closure of this claim with the bank.The greatest advantage we have in this together is the fact that both of you have the same surname or common name and the main fact is that whosoever I present to the bank as a " Heir" will certainly inherit the funds. Meanwhile, the first and fore-most step to take now is to send an application for claim to the bank so as to avert the stipulated time frame imposed on us by the bank for the legal next of kin to my late client to forward application, therefore upon receiving your positive response, I will instruct you on what to do and the way forward.Please write as soon as possible indicating your interest in this transaction. I can be reached via +228 96558959 and will want you to send me your telephone number for easy communication.I hope to hear from you soonest.

Best Regards,

Barrister.Roland Mark.

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