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Sunday, October 15, 2017

419 scam email from Mr. John Kelly US Department of Homeland Security Secretary "www." 509-204-7175

Originating IP:
Originating ISP: Spacetel
City: Zoungoudo
Country of Origin: Benin

from: Mr. John Kelly <"www."> 
reply-to: "Mr. John Kelly" <>
date: Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 11:20 AM
subject: U.S Department of Homeland security

I,m John Kelly The secretary of the U.S Department of Homeland security Washington DC. Office Address: 3801 Nebraska Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016, United States. We received a report from ECOWAS that you have an abandoned fund worth U.S.D 10 Million in West Africa. I have instructed ECOWAS and the concerned authorities to bring the ATM CARD to our Head office in Washington DC. the fund will arrive my office today. I want you to kindly Reconfirm Your Full Name, Current Home Address, Nearest Airport and your Direct Cell Phone # So that preparation can be made for the delivery of the ATM CARD to your home address.Contact Email_( Contact Phone Number_(509_204_7175).

Best Regard.

Mr. John Kelly

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