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Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Victim Compensation scam email from David Berryhill Enterprise Bank Chief Executive Officer

Originating IP:
Originating ISP: Ntt Communications Corporation
City: Osaka
Country of Origin: Japan

from: David Berryhill <> 
date: Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 11:50 AM
subject: Greetings to you dear e-mail owner.

Dear Beneficiary,

I strongly believe you are doing good? I write to inform you that on Monday, Sep 04, 2017 after the a long investigation through federal bureau of investigation,  it’s indeed a great news that your email was among the list of emails and numbers that have been under investigation for people who were scammed,  now the Federal Executive Council of the united states of America in collaboration with Enterprise Bank have agreed to Compensate you with the sum of US$10.5 Million Dollars after discovering you were a victim of scam to some impostors who claim to be what they are not and we have mount a network motoring code to track them down with such act here in united states, India and other countries.

Note:  this decision was taking by the Federal Executive Council of united states of America in collaboration with Enterprise Bank to enable you reach out with the goal and objectives of Charitable Organization Union in your communities and we don’t know how much you have been scammed years-back in trying to receive your contract/inheritance payment but we believe the stated amount $10.5 Million (Ten Million five hundred thousand USD) will put you in other to forget your past and continue your future without participating in such scandal again. And for us to finalize your approve payment with us you will have to re-confirm the information below to us after reading this email for a quick transfer of your payment.

* Your full name
* Your direct telephone number
* Your complete address
* A copy of your Identification I.D
* Occupation & position

Upon receiving the above information from you, I will switch into action with further instruction of your payment without any further delay. Your maximum co-operation to this office will help us release your fund to you.

Yours Sincerely,

David Berryhill
Chief Executive Officer
Member of Operating Committee of Enterprise Bank.

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