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Sunday, February 11, 2018

419 scam email from Douglas Scarboro Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Memphis Branch Senior Vice President 213-328-1685

Originating IP:
Originating ISP: Spacetel
City: Cotonou
Country of Origin: Benin

from: Senior Vice President Douglas Scarboro <> 
date: Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 11:40 AM
subject: Senior Vice President Douglas Scarboro(Tel: + 1 (213) 328-1685 Call or Text

Attn: Beneficiary

The total sum owed to you by 4 banks mention (4) different banks, NatWest Bank of London, Central Bank of Nigeria, Benin Republic and Bank
of America was compiled and submitted to my desk. $ 4,500,000.00 (Four Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars).
Now the fund has been totally lodged in one particular Escrow account (non deductible) here in the Federal Reserve Bank on your name, while waiting
for accreditation to your personal bank account in any part of the world.

Meanwhile, after due scrutiny and verification, I confirmed that you are disabled that the release of your payment was not released to you
because of one flimsy excuses or the other from the bank officials In charge of your payment, since they had the intention of diverting your funds
To their private accounts in order to satisfy their selfish interest.

You are how lucky that we managed to detect their evil plans, and you have to call me so that we can personally handle the payment assignment
to ensure that you receive your funds accordingly.Now, the Federal Reserve Bank, ensures that, your funds are transferred to our banks so we can
Expedite action for the accreditation of your funds into your account immediately.

Below are the information needed  now for your transfer.

1. Personal Details:---------
2.  Full Name:---------------
3.  Country:----------------
4 .City:---------------------
5.  Current Address:----
6. Age / Gender:-------
7. Occupation:-----------
8.Direct Mobile Number:-----------
9.Passport Copy, ID card or DL:----------
10.Secure Email:-----------------------

Note: If you prefer to receive your funds in form of a Visa Card, we could load and ship your visa card to your address
which will permit you a daily withdrawal limit of US $ 5,000 or write a draft check which can be deposited in any bank and send to you.

In anticipating for your urgent cooperation
Yours sincerely,
Senior Vice President Douglas Scarboro
Memphis Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Tel: + 1 (213) 328-1685 Call or Text

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