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Monday, September 23, 2019

419 scam email from Mr. John Adams Access Bank Plc.

Originating IP:
Originating ISP: Globacom-as
City: Lagos
Country of Origin: Nigeria

from: JOHN ADAMS <> 
to: Recipients <>
date: Sep 18, 2019, 3:13 PM

Attention Beneficiary

we deposited a trunk box containing your (USD$10.5M) with Global Security Company Limited (GSCL) yesterday evening for onward delivery to you without further delay, the box weight 120kg and it was declared as Photo Materials and Personal Belongings.

Do reconfirm this below information's.

1: Your Name & Address
2: Scan Copy of Your Identification & Zip Code
3: Your Age & Occupation
4: Your Mobile Phone & next Of Kin

We warned the security firm that the consignment should not be inspected by any security operatives when bringing the consignment to
you and never let them know the true content of the box to avoid diversion.

Yours In Service,

Mr.John Adams
(For Access Bank Plc)

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