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Saturday, July 18, 2015

419 scam email from Mr. Steve Klass' Widow Mrs. Masabata Klass

IP Address
Location     Cote D'ivoire, Lagunes, Abobo
Connection through     ISP Cote d'Ivoire
Usage Type     (COM) Commercial

from: Masabata Klaa <> 
date: Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 8:41 PM
subject: Calvary Greetings

Calvary Greetings,

From Mrs. Masabata Klass

I am the above named person. I married to Mr. Steve Klass  a born again Christian and a widow and I want to make a donation of $8,000,000. Eight Million United State Dollars only to help Orphans and Widows and Church and Charitable home in your Country and I assumed that you will be able to receive this Fund and use it to my wished to the needs in your country and I am seriously ill please always putting me in your daily prayers because I don't know when it will end with me.

Reply back to me immediately for more details about this fund.
Mrs. Masabata

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