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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

419 scam email from Mr. P. Jabber's Dying Widow Lisa Jabber Dr. Pédro Jacob Telex Department BOA Bank

from:    Sra. Lisa Jabber <>
reply-to:    "Sra. Lisa Jabber" <>
date:    Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 7:00 AM
subject:    Re: I need someone I can trust

I hope all is well with you and all your family members for the Glory of God. I have obtained the Affidavit of Oath yesterday from the Ministry of Justice. I have reported that this fund will be under your control for humanitarian and charitable services, including the spread of the gospel.

I am very happy that Affidavit of Oath  is now in your name, I'm trusting you to channel this fund accordingly. I have attached a copy of the Affidavit of Oath.

Please confirm receipt immediately, and ask that you keep these documents very private. You are now officially and legally known as the next of kin to this Fund. A copy will also be sent to the B.O.A - CI (B.O.A Côte d'Ivoire) in accordance with the oath officer.

You must contact the director of the bank immediately and instruct them to transfer the money to your account. You will also give them your bank account where you want the money to be transferred into.

Here is the contact address:
Dr. Pédro Jacob

You have to contact him as soon as possible, always update me and always remember me in your daily prayers.

Thank you and God bless us all.
Sister Lisa Jabber

Note: In case of any question, remember this money was deposited by my late husband Mr. P. Jabber

Date of filing: 20.02.2001
Account No. 018942819 BOA- CI
Account Type: General Trust Account.
Value: US $ 3.5 millions.

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